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Name Region/ Country Product Type Material/ Metal Product Application/ Industry Advantage
SPHEREOX EMEA Iron oxides Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Turbo charger, Motor blocks, Cylinder heads Prevents veining and gas defects, High degree of purity, Less binder consumption, Cooling effect request further information
Additive 8060 China Inorganic additives Iron, Brass, Bronze, Copper Turbo charger, Motor blocks, Cylinder heads, Hydraulic parts, Brake discs Best cost in use, Excellent anti-veining effect request further information
Additive BR-W39 China Organic additives Iron, Steel, Brass, Bronze, Copper Motor blocks, Cylinder heads, Hydraulic parts, Brake discs Excellent anti-veining effect request further information
IRONOXIDE TYPE 40 EMEA Iron oxides Iron, Steel Turbo charger, Motor blocks, Cylinder heads No reactions between molding material and metal, Cooling effect request further information
H 27
EMEA Special sands Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Turbo charger, Motor blocks, Cylinder heads, Hydraulic parts High thermal stability, Excellent anti-veining effect, High dimensional accuracy, Less binder consumption, Combinable with additives request further information
ASKRONING EMEA Special sands Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Turbo charger, Motor blocks, Cylinder heads, Hydraulic parts Coated sand for highly thermally stressed cores and moulds request further information

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