Investigation on heat-transfer-coefficient between aluminum alloy and organic/inorganic sand mold based on inverse methodJing-Ying Sun, Qi-Chi Le, Tong Wang, Xu Zhao (K. L.  Electromagn. Processing of Mat.), Wei-Sen Shi, Hong-Wei Hou (BMW Brilliance), Chiri Wang (ASK Chemicals)China Foundry Vol. 16 No. 5 Sept/2019, p.336-341Download
Thermal diffusivity of organic and inorganic-bound cores and its influence on the microstructure of AL alloysDr. Christian Appelt, M.Sc. S. Voss (ASK Chemicals GmbH)Aluminium 05/2018, p. 28-31Download
Inorganic binder systems in iron casting - current state of development and outlookDr. Felix Mück, Dr. Christian Appelt (ASK Chemicals GmbH)Casting Plant & Technology 3/2018, p. 12 - 17Download
Process improvement by special ceramic filters with foam-like structure and their use in direct pouring applicationsUlrich Voigt (ASK Chemicals GmbH), Peter Vietoris (ASK Chemicals GmbH)Foundry Trade Journal May 2017, p. 106-107Download
Core Shooting Simulation - to the Economic and environmental Advantage of the foundryChristof Nowaczyk, ASK Chemicals GmbHFoundry Trade Journal 03 / 2015, p. 44-45Download
PEP SET - an efficient and environmentally friendly binder systemAntoni Gieniec, Natascha Hurkes, Peter Vietoris, ASK Chemicals GmbH; Harald Dieckhus, Grunewald GmbHGmbHFoundry Trade Journal 12 / 2015, p. 344-345Download
Nothing is impossible - advancements in inorganic binder systemsJ. Müller, H. Deters, M. Oberleiter, H. Zupan, H. Lincke, R. Resch, J. Körschgen, A. Kasperowski, ASK Chemicals GmbHCasting Plant & Technology 2 / 2015, p. 16-22Download
Net/Gross Yield Optimisation on high value added steel castingA. Carrasco, D. Pena and J. Izaga,
IK-4-Azterlan Metallurgical Research centre
Foundry Trade Journal, 11 / 2014, p. 278, 302-306Download
Strong innovation processes in foundriesA. Ferkinghoff, Protec
V. Skelnik, ASK Chemicals
Foundry Trade Journal, April 2014 - p. 94-95Download
Innovative binders for eco-friendly and highly productive processesA. Gieniec, Dr. J. Müller, P.H. VaceletCasting Plant & Technology, 04/ 2013, p. 8 - 10Download
Fewer Emissions with Solventless Cold Box BindersP.H.Vacelet; C. Priebe; J. MunizaCasting Plant & Technology 1 / 2013, p . 14-16Download
New Coatings and Additive Concepts - As an Entire Approach for Defect- and Residue-Free CastingsR. Stötzel, V. Ghotge, F. MeyerFoundry, Sept./Oct.2012, p 10 - 14Download
Inorganic Binder System Sandwiched Between "Technology Push" and " Market Pull"J. MüllerTranslation from "Giesserei" 99, Vol 2 (2012), pages 52-58Download
Economic and environmental benefits of Inotec in serial production.Interview with Dr. Jens MüllerInternet-PDF from “Casting Plant & Technology “ 01/2012, pages 6 – 8Download
Tomorrow's cylinder head production: Ecology, economy and material enhancement brought in lineDr. techn. E. Weissenbek;
Dr. Ing. T. Kautz,
Dipl.Ing. / Dipl.Wirt.Ing. J. Brotzki, Dr. rer.nat. J. Müller
MTZ 06 / 2011, volume 72, pages 48-52Download
Wind power systems as a growth driver for the foundry industryAndrea FerkinghoffReprint Casting Plant & Technology 02 / 2011, pages 18-30Download