Investigation on heat-transfer-coefficient between aluminum alloy and organic/inorganic sand mold based on inverse methodJing-Ying Sun, Qi-Chi Le, Tong Wang, Xu Zhao (K. L.  Electromagn. Processing of Mat.), Wei-Sen Shi, Hong-Wei Hou (BMW Brilliance), Chiri Wang (ASK Chemicals)China Foundry Vol. 16 No. 5 Sept/2019, p.336-341Download
Thermal diffusivity of organic and inorganic-bound cores and its influence on the microstructure of AL alloysDr. Christian Appelt, M.Sc. S. Voss (ASK Chemicals GmbH)Aluminium 05/2018, p. 28-31Download
Inorganic binder systems in iron casting - current state of development and outlookDr. Felix Mück, Dr. Christian Appelt (ASK Chemicals GmbH)Casting Plant & Technology 3/2018, p. 12 - 17Download
Process improvement by special ceramic filters with foam-like structure and their use in direct pouring applicationsUlrich Voigt (ASK Chemicals GmbH), Peter Vietrois (ASK Chemicals GmbH)Foundry Trade Journal May 2017, p. 106-107Download
Core Shooting Simulation - to the Economic and environmental Advantage of the foundryChristof Nowaczyk, ASK Chemicals GmbHFoundry Trade Journal 03 / 2015, p. 44-45Download
PEP SET - an efficient and environmentally friendly binder systemAntoni Gieniec, Natascha Hurkes, Peter Vietoris, ASK Chemicals GmbH; Harald Dieckhus, Grunewald GmbHFoundry Trade Journal 12 / 2015, p. 344-345Download
Nothing is impossible - advancements in inorganic binder systemsJ. Müller, H. Deters, M. Oberleiter, H. Zupan, H. Lincke, R. Resch, J. Körschgen, A. Kasperowski, ASK Chemicals GmbHCasting Plant & Technology 2 / 2015, p. 16-22Download
Net/Gross Yield Optimisation on high value added steel castingA. Carrasco, D. Pena and J. Izaga,
IK-4-Azterlan Metallurgical Research centre
Foundry Trade Journal, 11 / 2014, p. 278, 302-306Download
Nueva generación de filtros autolimpiables para cajas de machosHenning Rehse, Verena SkelnikFUNDI, Mayo 2013, p. 24Download
Strong innovation processes in foundriesA. Ferkinghoff, Protec
V. Skelnik, ASK Chemicals
Foundry Trade Journal, April 2014 - p. 94-95Download
Innovative binders for eco-friendly and highly productive processesA. Gieniec, Dr. J. Müller, P.H. VaceletCasting Plant & Technology, 04/ 2013, p. 8 - 10Download
Optimizacion de la aplicación del recubrimiento - rociado en caliente, en lugar de cepilladoDr. Reinhard Stötzel, dipl. ing. Ekaterina Potaturina Meuseltwitz guss: dipl. ing. Ingo lappat, dipl. ing. Martin VorrathFUNDI, Marzo 2013, p. 31 - 38Download
Fewer Emissions with Solventless Cold Box BindersP.H.Vacelet; C. Priebe; J. MunizaCasting Plant & Technology 1 / 2013, p . 14-16Download
New Coatings and Additive Concepts - As an Entire Approach for Defect- and Residue-Free CastingsR. Stötzel, V. Ghotge, F. MeyerFoundry, Sept./Oct.2012, p. 10 - 14Download
Nuevo aditivo para controlar el veining y eliminar la necesidad de pinturas refractariasJaime Prat, ASK Chemicals Espana S.A.U.FUNDI - 2012 World Foundry Congress, Septiembre 2012, p. 57 - 65Download
Economic and environmental benefits of Inotec in serial production.Interview with Dr. Jens MüllerInternet-PDF from “Casting Plant & Technology “ 01/2012, p. 6 – 8Download
Tomorrow's cylinder head production: Ecology, economy and material enhancement brought in lineDr. techn. E. Weissenbek;
Dr. Ing. T. Kautz,
Dipl.Ing. / Dipl.Wirt.Ing. J. Brotzki, Dr. rer.nat. J. Müller
MTZ 06 / 2011, volume 72, p. 48-52Download
Wind power systems as a growth driver for the foundry industryAndrea FerkinghoffReprint Casting Plant & Technology 02 / 2011, p. 18-30Download