为了获得最佳搜索结果,每个过滤器仅选择一个特征 。该行开头的箭头,会打开其他信息。该行末尾的框,会立即向我们的专家发出样品请求。

名字 产品类别 冒口粘接剂类型 配方 材料/金属 造型工艺 优势
  • Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold
  • Exactly defined breaker edge makes breaker cores redundant
  • No contact between casting and exothermic material


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm Ø Di mm H
h mm hi mm pcs./ pal.
KL 19 0,95 0,043 0,04 60 40 16 80 35 77 2.520
KL 27 1,30 0,055 0,30 78 50 16 100 35 97 1.216
KL 40 1,50 0,094 0,66 88 65 20 90 38 87 1.200
KL 61 1,60 0,155 1,08 84 50 20 122 36 119 1.088
KL 80 1,70 0,140 0,99 98 60 20 100 36 97 768
KL 86 1,80 0,164 1,15 98 55 20 128 36 125 768
KL 90 1,90 0,160 1,18 105 60 20 105 36 102 672
KL 111 2,10 0,190 1,33 118 66 20 120 36 117 480
KL 115 2,20 0,277 1,94 122 80 20 135 36 132 480
KL 193 2,70 0,299 2,09 134 88 30 140 36 137 336
KL 197 2,80 0,354 2,48 136 90 30 140 36 137 336
KL 237 3,10 0,312 2,18 136 88 30 145 36 142 336
KL 239 3,20 0,369 2,58 145 95 30 145 36 142 264
KL 430 3,50 0,399 2,79 150 90 30 155 35 151 220
KL 540 4,20 0,562 3,93 170 120 30 210 35 206 140


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø Di
pcs./ pal.
KL 19 0,374 2,62 0,09 2,362 1,575 0,630 3,150 1,378 3,031 2.520
KL 27 0,512 3,36 0,66 3,071 1,969 0,630 3,937 1,378 3,819 1.216
KL 40 0,591 5,74 1,46 3,465 2,559 0,787 3,543 1,496 3,425 1.200
KL 61 0,630 9,46 2,38 3,307 1,969 0,787 4,803 1,417 4,685 1.088
KL 80 0,669 8,54 2,18 3,858 2,362 0,787 3,937 1,417 3,819 768
KL 86 0,709 10,01 2,54 3,858 2,165 0,787 5,039 1,417 4,921 768
KL 90 0,748 9,76 2,60 4,134 2,362 0,787 4,134 1,417 4,016 672
KL 111 0,827 11,59 2,93 4,646 2,598 0,787 4,724 1,417 4,606 480
KL 115 0,866 16,90 4,28 4,803 3,150 0,787 5,315 1,417 5,197 480
KL 193 1,063 18,25 4,61 5,276 3,465 1,181 5,512 1,417 5,394 336
KL 197 1,102 21,60 5,47 5,354 3,543 1,181 5,512 1,417 5,394 336
KL 237 1,220 19,04 4,81 5,354 3,465 1,181 5,709 1,417 5,591 336
KL 239 1,260 22,52 5,69 5,709 3,740 1,181 5,709 1,417 5,591 264
KL 430 1,378 24,35 6,15 5,906 3,543 1,181 6,102 1,378 5,945 220
KL 540 1,654 34,30 8,67 6,693 4,724 1,181 8,268 1,378 8,110 140


Exactcast迷你冒口 水玻璃 发热低氟, 发热无氟 铸铁, 黄铜, 青铜, 紫铜 适用于潮模砂和高压造型线 非常小的冒口接触面积, 精准的冒口断点, 可提供无氟配方, 可根据客户定制, 无碎屑, 造型时无摩擦力, 无机粘接剂 预定样品
  • Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold
  • Exactly defined breaker edge makes breaker cores redundant
  • No contact between casting and exothermic material


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm Ø Di mm H
h mm hi mm pcs./ pal.
KL 19 0,95 0,043 0,04 60 40 16 80 35 77 2.520
KL 27 1,30 0,055 0,30 78 50 16 100 35 97 1.216
KL 40 1,50 0,094 0,66 88 65 20 90 38 87 1.200
KL 61 1,60 0,155 1,08 84 50 20 122 36 119 1.088
KL 80 1,70 0,140 0,99 98 60 20 100 36 97 768
KL 86 1,80 0,164 1,15 98 55 20 128 36 125 768
KL 90 1,90 0,160 1,18 105 60 20 105 36 102 672
KL 111 2,10 0,190 1,33 118 66 20 120 36 117 480
KL 115 2,20 0,277 1,94 122 80 20 135 36 132 480
KL 193 2,70 0,299 2,09 134 88 30 140 36 137 336
KL 197 2,80 0,354 2,48 136 90 30 140 36 137 336
KL 237 3,10 0,312 2,18 136 88 30 145 36 142 336
KL 239 3,20 0,369 2,58 145 95 30 145 36 142 264
KL 430 3,50 0,399 2,79 150 90 30 155 35 151 220
KL 540 4,20 0,562 3,93 170 120 30 210 35 206 140


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø Di
pcs./ pal.
KL 19 0,374 2,62 0,09 2,362 1,575 0,630 3,150 1,378 3,031 2.520
KL 27 0,512 3,36 0,66 3,071 1,969 0,630 3,937 1,378 3,819 1.216
KL 40 0,591 5,74 1,46 3,465 2,559 0,787 3,543 1,496 3,425 1.200
KL 61 0,630 9,46 2,38 3,307 1,969 0,787 4,803 1,417 4,685 1.088
KL 80 0,669 8,54 2,18 3,858 2,362 0,787 3,937 1,417 3,819 768
KL 86 0,709 10,01 2,54 3,858 2,165 0,787 5,039 1,417 4,921 768
KL 90 0,748 9,76 2,60 4,134 2,362 0,787 4,134 1,417 4,016 672
KL 111 0,827 11,59 2,93 4,646 2,598 0,787 4,724 1,417 4,606 480
KL 115 0,866 16,90 4,28 4,803 3,150 0,787 5,315 1,417 5,197 480
KL 193 1,063 18,25 4,61 5,276 3,465 1,181 5,512 1,417 5,394 336
KL 197 1,102 21,60 5,47 5,354 3,543 1,181 5,512 1,417 5,394 336
KL 237 1,220 19,04 4,81 5,354 3,465 1,181 5,709 1,417 5,591 336
KL 239 1,260 22,52 5,69 5,709 3,740 1,181 5,709 1,417 5,591 264
KL 430 1,378 24,35 6,15 5,906 3,543 1,181 6,102 1,378 5,945 220
KL 540 1,654 34,30 8,67 6,693 4,724 1,181 8,268 1,378 8,110 140


  • Ideally suited to high-pressure molding machines
  • Precisely defined notches as predetermined breakage points without the use of breaker cores
  • Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Ø Do mm Ø Du mm Ø Di mm H
hi mm h mm pcs./ pal.
KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 1,3 0,040 76 40 15 100 93 35 1,620
KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 1,6 0,070 84 50 20 90 80 35 1,320
KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 1,7 0,088 84 50 20 122 112 35 952
KMV – 121 Q 20-CC 1,9 0,121 98 55 20 128 113 35 672
KMV – 159 Q 20-CC 2,2 0,159 115 66 20 120 113 35 504
KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 2,2 0,238 115 66 30 120 117 35 504
KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 2,2 0,238 115 66 25 120 117 35 504
KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 2,8 0,339 120 70 30 145 142 35 432
KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 3,2 0,339 140 90 30 145 142 35 256


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø Di
pcs./ pal.
KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 0,512 2,44   2,992 1,575 0,591 3,937 1,378 3,661 1,62
KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 0,630 4,27   3,307 1,969 0,787 3,543 1,378 3,150 1,32
KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 0,669 5,37   3,307 1,969 0,787 4,803 1,378 4,409 952
KMV – 121 Q 20-CC 0,748 7,38   3,858 2,165 0,787 5,039 1,378 4,449 672
KMV – 159 Q 20-CC 0,866 9,70   4,528 2,598 0,787 4,724 1,378 4,449 504
KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 0,866 14,52   4,528 2,598 1,181 4,724 1,378 4,606 504
KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 0,866 14,52   4,528 2,598 0,984 4,724 1,378 4,606 504
KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 1,102 20,69   4,724 2,756 1,181 5,709 1,378 5,591 432
KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 1,260 20,69   5,512 3,543 1,181 5,709 1,378 5,591 256
Exactcast迷你冒口 发热低氟, 发热无氟 铸铁, 黄铜, 青铜, 紫铜 适用于潮模砂和高压造型线 非常小的冒口接触面积, 精准的冒口断点, 可提供无氟配方, 可根据客户定制, 无碎屑, 造型时无摩擦力, 重量轻 预定样品
  • Ideally suited to high-pressure molding machines
  • Precisely defined notches as predetermined breakage points without the use of breaker cores
  • Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Ø Do mm Ø Du mm Ø Di mm H
hi mm h mm pcs./ pal.
KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 1,3 0,040 76 40 15 100 93 35 1,620
KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 1,6 0,070 84 50 20 90 80 35 1,320
KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 1,7 0,088 84 50 20 122 112 35 952
KMV – 121 Q 20-CC 1,9 0,121 98 55 20 128 113 35 672
KMV – 159 Q 20-CC 2,2 0,159 115 66 20 120 113 35 504
KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 2,2 0,238 115 66 30 120 117 35 504
KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 2,2 0,238 115 66 25 120 117 35 504
KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 2,8 0,339 120 70 30 145 142 35 432
KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 3,2 0,339 140 90 30 145 142 35 256


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø Di
pcs./ pal.
KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 0,512 2,44   2,992 1,575 0,591 3,937 1,378 3,661 1,62
KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 0,630 4,27   3,307 1,969 0,787 3,543 1,378 3,150 1,32
KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 0,669 5,37   3,307 1,969 0,787 4,803 1,378 4,409 952
KMV – 121 Q 20-CC 0,748 7,38   3,858 2,165 0,787 5,039 1,378 4,449 672
KMV – 159 Q 20-CC 0,866 9,70   4,528 2,598 0,787 4,724 1,378 4,449 504
KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 0,866 14,52   4,528 2,598 1,181 4,724 1,378 4,606 504
KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 0,866 14,52   4,528 2,598 0,984 4,724 1,378 4,606 504
KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 1,102 20,69   4,724 2,756 1,181 5,709 1,378 5,591 432
KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 1,260 20,69   5,512 3,543 1,181 5,709 1,378 5,591 256
  • High efficiency riser, especially for steel casting applications
  • Small contact area and reduced riser neck diameter compared to traditional riser types
  • Also available with breaker cores


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Riser capacity Riser dimensions Vent dimensions Packaging
  Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do
pcs./ pal.
KMV 1140 1.140 7.980 173 150 200 160 100 90 - 7 / 112
KMV 1480 1.480 10.360 245 186 195 155 115 105 - 15 / 60
KMV 1650 1.650 11.550 235 150 260 210 105 95 - 15 / 45
KMV 2025 2.025 14.175 245 186 195 155 140 118 - 15 / 60
KMV 2565 2.565 17.955 280 150 340 295 110 100 - 11 / 33
KMV 3100 3.100 21.700 290 160 345 300 120 110 - 11 / 33
KMV 4300 4.300 30.100 310 232 345 300 140 130 50 8 / 24
KMV 6800 6.800 47.600 360 290 345 300 175 165 50 6 / 18
KMV 9300 9.300 65.100 411 262 455 390 184 164 75 5 / 10
KMV 11400 11.400 79.800 442 282 484 415 198 176 75 - / -
KMV 13800 13.800 96.600 464 348 518 450 210 185 75 - / -
KMV 18400 18.400 128.800 514 380 569 495 230 205 100 4 / 4
KMV 26000 26.000 182.000 572 448 605 518 270 235 100 3 / 3
KMV 34500 34.500 241.500 630 440 640 540 300 270 100 2 / 2


Dimensions in inch:

Type Riser capacity Riser dimensions Vent dimensions Packaging
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø du
Ø do
pcs./ pal.
KMV 1140 69567 17595,9 6,811 5,906 7,874 6,299 3,937 3,543 - 7 / 112
KMV 1480 90316 22843,8 9,646 7,323 7,677 6,102 4,528 4,134 - 15 / 60
KMV 1650 100690 25467,8 9,252 5,906 10,236 8,268 4,134 3,740 - 15 / 45
KMV 2025 123574 31255,9 9,646 7,323 7,677 6,102 5,512 4,646 - 15 / 60
KMV 2565 156527 39590,8 11,024 5,906 13,386 11,614 4,331 3,937 - 11 / 33
KMV 3100 189174 47848,5 11,417 6,299 13,583 11,811 4,724 4,331 - 11 / 33
KMV 4300 262403 66370,5 12,205 9,134 13,583 11,811 5,512 5,118 1,969 8 / 24
KMV 6800 414963 104958,0 14,173 11,417 13,583 11,811 6,890 6,496 1,969 6 / 18
KMV 9300 567523 143545,5 16,181 10,315 17,913 15,354 7,244 6,457 2,953 5 / 10
KMV 11400 695674 175959,0 17,402 11,102 19,055 16,339 7,795 6,929 2,953 -
KMV 13800 842131 213003,0 18,268 13,701 20,394 17,717 8,268 7,283 2,953 -
KMV 18400 1122842 284004,0 20,236 14,961 22,402 19,488 9,055 8,071 3,937 4 / 4 
KMV 26000 1586624 401310,0 22,520 17,638 23,819 20,394 10,630 9,252 3,937 3 / 3
KMV 34500 2105328 532507,5 24,803 17,323 25,197 21,260 11,811 10,630 3,937 2 / 2
Exactcast迷你冒口 冷芯树脂 发热低氟, 发热无氟, 保温冒口 铸铁, 铸钢, 铸铝, 黄铜, 青铜, 紫铜 适用于潮模砂高压线, 自硬砂线 重量轻, 可提供无氟配方冒口, 提高工艺出品率 预定样品
  • High efficiency riser, especially for steel casting applications
  • Small contact area and reduced riser neck diameter compared to traditional riser types
  • Also available with breaker cores


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Riser capacity Riser dimensions Vent dimensions Packaging
  Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do
pcs./ pal.
KMV 1140 1.140 7.980 173 150 200 160 100 90 - 7 / 112
KMV 1480 1.480 10.360 245 186 195 155 115 105 - 15 / 60
KMV 1650 1.650 11.550 235 150 260 210 105 95 - 15 / 45
KMV 2025 2.025 14.175 245 186 195 155 140 118 - 15 / 60
KMV 2565 2.565 17.955 280 150 340 295 110 100 - 11 / 33
KMV 3100 3.100 21.700 290 160 345 300 120 110 - 11 / 33
KMV 4300 4.300 30.100 310 232 345 300 140 130 50 8 / 24
KMV 6800 6.800 47.600 360 290 345 300 175 165 50 6 / 18
KMV 9300 9.300 65.100 411 262 455 390 184 164 75 5 / 10
KMV 11400 11.400 79.800 442 282 484 415 198 176 75 - / -
KMV 13800 13.800 96.600 464 348 518 450 210 185 75 - / -
KMV 18400 18.400 128.800 514 380 569 495 230 205 100 4 / 4
KMV 26000 26.000 182.000 572 448 605 518 270 235 100 3 / 3
KMV 34500 34.500 241.500 630 440 640 540 300 270 100 2 / 2


Dimensions in inch:

Type Riser capacity Riser dimensions Vent dimensions Packaging
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø du
Ø do
pcs./ pal.
KMV 1140 69567 17595,9 6,811 5,906 7,874 6,299 3,937 3,543 - 7 / 112
KMV 1480 90316 22843,8 9,646 7,323 7,677 6,102 4,528 4,134 - 15 / 60
KMV 1650 100690 25467,8 9,252 5,906 10,236 8,268 4,134 3,740 - 15 / 45
KMV 2025 123574 31255,9 9,646 7,323 7,677 6,102 5,512 4,646 - 15 / 60
KMV 2565 156527 39590,8 11,024 5,906 13,386 11,614 4,331 3,937 - 11 / 33
KMV 3100 189174 47848,5 11,417 6,299 13,583 11,811 4,724 4,331 - 11 / 33
KMV 4300 262403 66370,5 12,205 9,134 13,583 11,811 5,512 5,118 1,969 8 / 24
KMV 6800 414963 104958,0 14,173 11,417 13,583 11,811 6,890 6,496 1,969 6 / 18
KMV 9300 567523 143545,5 16,181 10,315 17,913 15,354 7,244 6,457 2,953 5 / 10
KMV 11400 695674 175959,0 17,402 11,102 19,055 16,339 7,795 6,929 2,953 -
KMV 13800 842131 213003,0 18,268 13,701 20,394 17,717 8,268 7,283 2,953 -
KMV 18400 1122842 284004,0 20,236 14,961 22,402 19,488 9,055 8,071 3,937 4 / 4 
KMV 26000 1586624 401310,0 22,520 17,638 23,819 20,394 10,630 9,252 3,937 3 / 3
KMV 34500 2105328 532507,5 24,803 17,323 25,197 21,260 11,811 10,630 3,937 2 / 2
  • Specially made for high-performance molding machines
  • Riser geometry helps to prevent shadows of poorly compacted sand during molding and compression
  • Small contact area if used with spring pins


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight kg  Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do mm pcs./ pal.
ADS 5 0,75 0,01 0,06 50 28 57 50 16 13 4.356
ADS 12 0,85 0,01 0,10 60 40 60 50 21 18 2.904
ADS 16 1,20 0,02 0,16 70 40 85 66 21 18 1.620
ADS 19 0,95 0,03 0,20 60 40 80 70 25 20 2.520
ADS 20 1,20 0,03 0,18 78 36 100 85 21 18 1.520
ADS 27 1,30 0,04 0,27 78 50 100 85 25 23 1.216
ADS 32 1,30 0,05 0,33 78 50 100 92 27 24 1.216
ADS 61 1,70 0,09 0,61 87 60 107 97 36 32 960
ADS 85 1,90 0,12 0,85 104 65 135 110 40 35 560
ADS 86 1,90 0,12 0,85 100 70 135 110 40 35 560
ADS 111 2,20 0,16 1,11 122 90 122 100 50 40 392
ADS 133 2,50 0,19 1,34 140 100 140 120 50 40 288
ADS 164 2,20 0,24 1,64 122 90 122 100 60 50 392
ADS 193 2,80 0,28 1,93 140 100 140 125 58 48 288
ADS 237 3,20 0,34 2,38 145 95 145 120 65 55 220
ADS 425 3,50 0,59 4,13 143 112 150 127 80 76 168
ADS 540 4,20 0,75 5,25 170 110 210 175 80 70 140
ADS 550 4,20 0,78 5,46 193 128 210 175 80 70 96


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø du
Ø do
pcs./ pal.
ADS 5 0,295 0,610 0,13 1,969 1,102 2,244 1,969 0,630 0,512 4.356
ADS 12 0,335 0,610 0,22 2,362 1,575 2,362 2,598 0,827 0,709 2.904
ADS 16 0,472 1,220 0,35 2,756 1,575 3,346 2,756 0,827 0,709 1.620
ADS 19 0,374 1,831 0,44 2,362 1,575 3,150 3,346 0,984 0,787 2.520
ADS 20 0,472 1,831 0,40 3,071 1,417 3,937 3,346 0,827 0,709 1.520
ADS 27 0,512 2,441 0,60 3,071 1,969 3,937 3,622 0,984 0,906 1.216
ADS 32 0,512 3,051 0,73 3,071 1,969 3,937 3,819 1,063 0,945 1.216
ADS 61 0,669 5,492 1,35 3,425 2,362 4,213 4,331 1,417 1,260 960
ADS 85 0,748 7,323 1,87 4,094 2,559 5,315 4,331 1,575 1,378 560
ADS 86 0,748 7,323 1,87 3,937 2,756 5,315 3,937 1,575 1,378 560
ADS 111 0,866 9,764 2,45 4,803 3,543 4,803 4,724 1,969 1,575 392
ADS 133 0,984 11,595 2,95 5,512 3,937 5,512 3,937 1,969 1,575 288
ADS 164 0,866 14,646 3,62 4,803 3,543 4,803 4,921 2,362 1,969 392
ADS 193 1,102 17,087 4,26 5,512 3,937 5,512 4,724 2,283 1,890 288
ADS 237 1,260 20,748 5,25 5,709 3,740 5,709 5,000 2,559 2,165 220
ADS 425 1,378 36,004 9,11 5,630 4,409 5,906 6,890 3,150 2,992 168
ADS 540 1,654 45,768 11,58 6,693 4,331 8,268 6,890 3,150 2,756 140
ADS 550 1,654 47,599 12,04 7,598 5,039 8,268 0,000 3,150 2,756 96
Exactcast迷你冒口 水玻璃 发热低氟, 发热无氟 铸铁 适用于潮模砂高压线, 自硬砂线 无机粘接剂, 可供无氟冒口 预定样品
  • Specially made for high-performance molding machines
  • Riser geometry helps to prevent shadows of poorly compacted sand during molding and compression
  • Small contact area if used with spring pins


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight kg  Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do mm pcs./ pal.
ADS 5 0,75 0,01 0,06 50 28 57 50 16 13 4.356
ADS 12 0,85 0,01 0,10 60 40 60 50 21 18 2.904
ADS 16 1,20 0,02 0,16 70 40 85 66 21 18 1.620
ADS 19 0,95 0,03 0,20 60 40 80 70 25 20 2.520
ADS 20 1,20 0,03 0,18 78 36 100 85 21 18 1.520
ADS 27 1,30 0,04 0,27 78 50 100 85 25 23 1.216
ADS 32 1,30 0,05 0,33 78 50 100 92 27 24 1.216
ADS 61 1,70 0,09 0,61 87 60 107 97 36 32 960
ADS 85 1,90 0,12 0,85 104 65 135 110 40 35 560
ADS 86 1,90 0,12 0,85 100 70 135 110 40 35 560
ADS 111 2,20 0,16 1,11 122 90 122 100 50 40 392
ADS 133 2,50 0,19 1,34 140 100 140 120 50 40 288
ADS 164 2,20 0,24 1,64 122 90 122 100 60 50 392
ADS 193 2,80 0,28 1,93 140 100 140 125 58 48 288
ADS 237 3,20 0,34 2,38 145 95 145 120 65 55 220
ADS 425 3,50 0,59 4,13 143 112 150 127 80 76 168
ADS 540 4,20 0,75 5,25 170 110 210 175 80 70 140
ADS 550 4,20 0,78 5,46 193 128 210 175 80 70 96


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø du
Ø do
pcs./ pal.
ADS 5 0,295 0,610 0,13 1,969 1,102 2,244 1,969 0,630 0,512 4.356
ADS 12 0,335 0,610 0,22 2,362 1,575 2,362 2,598 0,827 0,709 2.904
ADS 16 0,472 1,220 0,35 2,756 1,575 3,346 2,756 0,827 0,709 1.620
ADS 19 0,374 1,831 0,44 2,362 1,575 3,150 3,346 0,984 0,787 2.520
ADS 20 0,472 1,831 0,40 3,071 1,417 3,937 3,346 0,827 0,709 1.520
ADS 27 0,512 2,441 0,60 3,071 1,969 3,937 3,622 0,984 0,906 1.216
ADS 32 0,512 3,051 0,73 3,071 1,969 3,937 3,819 1,063 0,945 1.216
ADS 61 0,669 5,492 1,35 3,425 2,362 4,213 4,331 1,417 1,260 960
ADS 85 0,748 7,323 1,87 4,094 2,559 5,315 4,331 1,575 1,378 560
ADS 86 0,748 7,323 1,87 3,937 2,756 5,315 3,937 1,575 1,378 560
ADS 111 0,866 9,764 2,45 4,803 3,543 4,803 4,724 1,969 1,575 392
ADS 133 0,984 11,595 2,95 5,512 3,937 5,512 3,937 1,969 1,575 288
ADS 164 0,866 14,646 3,62 4,803 3,543 4,803 4,921 2,362 1,969 392
ADS 193 1,102 17,087 4,26 5,512 3,937 5,512 4,724 2,283 1,890 288
ADS 237 1,260 20,748 5,25 5,709 3,740 5,709 5,000 2,559 2,165 220
ADS 425 1,378 36,004 9,11 5,630 4,409 5,906 6,890 3,150 2,992 168
ADS 540 1,654 45,768 11,58 6,693 4,331 8,268 6,890 3,150 2,756 140
ADS 550 1,654 47,599 12,04 7,598 5,039 8,268 0,000 3,150 2,756 96
  • Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content.
  • Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression.
  • Extremely lightweight.


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do mm pcs./ pal.
KMV 40 1,30 0,040 0,280 76 42 100 85 26 24 1.620
KMV 88 1,70 0,088 0,616 84 60 122 97 36 32 952
KMV 121 1,90 0,121 0,847 98 66 128 110 40 35 672
KMV 159 2,20 0,159 1,113 115 82 120 100 50 40 504
KMV 238 2,20 0,238 1,666 115 82 120 100 60 50 504
KMV 191 2,50 0,191 1,337 120 98 145 120 50 40 432
KMV 339 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 432
KMV 339-B 3,20 0,339 2,373 140 98 145 120 68 55 288
KMV 590 3,80 0,590 4,130 142 110 150 125 80 75 288
KMV 780 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 128


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø du
Ø do
pcs./ pal.
KMV 40 0,512 2,44 0,62 2,992 1,654 3,937 3,346 1,024 0,945 1.620
KMV 88 0,669 5,37 1,36 3,307 2,362 4,803 3,819 1,417 1,260 952
KMV 121 0,748 7,38 1,87 3,858 2,598 5,039 4,331 1,575 1,378 672
KMV 159 0,866 9,70 2,45 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 1,969 1,575 504
KMV 238 0,866 14,52 3,67 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 2,362 1,969 504
KMV 191 0,984 11,66 2,95 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 1,969 1,575 432
KMV 339 1,102 20,69 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,677 2,165 432
KMV 339-B 1,260 20,69 5,23 5,512 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,677 2,165 288
KMV 590 1,496 36,00 9,11 5,591 4,331 5,906 4,921 3,150 2,953 288
KMV 780 1,654 47,60 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 3,150 2,953 128
Exactcast迷你冒口 冷芯树脂 发热低氟, 发热无氟, 保温冒口 铸铁, 铸钢, 铸铝, 黄铜, 青铜, 紫铜 适用于潮模砂高压线, 自硬砂线 重量轻, 可提供无氟配方冒口 预定样品
  • Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content.
  • Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression.
  • Extremely lightweight.


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do mm pcs./ pal.
KMV 40 1,30 0,040 0,280 76 42 100 85 26 24 1.620
KMV 88 1,70 0,088 0,616 84 60 122 97 36 32 952
KMV 121 1,90 0,121 0,847 98 66 128 110 40 35 672
KMV 159 2,20 0,159 1,113 115 82 120 100 50 40 504
KMV 238 2,20 0,238 1,666 115 82 120 100 60 50 504
KMV 191 2,50 0,191 1,337 120 98 145 120 50 40 432
KMV 339 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 432
KMV 339-B 3,20 0,339 2,373 140 98 145 120 68 55 288
KMV 590 3,80 0,590 4,130 142 110 150 125 80 75 288
KMV 780 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 128


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø du
Ø do
pcs./ pal.
KMV 40 0,512 2,44 0,62 2,992 1,654 3,937 3,346 1,024 0,945 1.620
KMV 88 0,669 5,37 1,36 3,307 2,362 4,803 3,819 1,417 1,260 952
KMV 121 0,748 7,38 1,87 3,858 2,598 5,039 4,331 1,575 1,378 672
KMV 159 0,866 9,70 2,45 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 1,969 1,575 504
KMV 238 0,866 14,52 3,67 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 2,362 1,969 504
KMV 191 0,984 11,66 2,95 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 1,969 1,575 432
KMV 339 1,102 20,69 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,677 2,165 432
KMV 339-B 1,260 20,69 5,23 5,512 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,677 2,165 288
KMV 590 1,496 36,00 9,11 5,591 4,331 5,906 4,921 3,150 2,953 288
KMV 780 1,654 47,60 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 3,150 2,953 128
  • Specially made for high-performance molding machines
  • Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during molding and compression
  • Lower fettling costs thanks to reduced riser neck diameter


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Breaker core dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight kg Ø Do mm H
h mm Ø do mm Ø Da mm Ø Di mm hB mm pcs./ pal.
ADS- 5 E10 0,75 0,01 0,06 50 57 50 13 26 10 8 4.356
ADS-12 E15 0,85 0,01 0,10 60 60 50 18 35 15 10 2.904
ADS 16 E15 1,20 0,02 0,16 70 85 66 18 35 15 10 1.620
ADS 19 E 15 0,95 0,03 0,20 60 80 70 20 35 15 10 2.520
ADS 20 E15 1,20 0,03 0,18 78 100 85 18 36 15 10 1.216
ADS 27 E15 1,30 0,04 0,27 78 100 85 23 50 15 13 1.216
ADS 32 E15 1,30 0,05 0,33 78 100 92 24 50 15 13 1.216
ADS 61 E18 1,70 0,09 0,61 87 107 97 32 45 18 15 960
ADS 85 E18 1,90 0,12 0,85 104 135 110 35 53 18 15 560
ADS 86 E18 1,90 0,12 0,85 100 135 110 35 60 18 15 560
ADS 111 E20 2,20 0,16 1,11 122 122 100 40 75 20 15 392
ADS 133 E20 2,50 0,19 1,34 140 140 120 40 85 20 15 288
ADS 164 E20 2,20 0,24 1,64 122 122 100 50 75 20 15 392
ADS 193 E30 2,80 0,28 1,93 140 140 125 48 85 30 15 288
ADS 237 E30 3,20 0,34 2,38 145 145 120 55 85 30 15 220
ADS 425 E30 3,50 0,59 4,13 143 150 127 76 85 30 15 168
ADS 540 E30 4,20 0,75 5,25 170 210 175 70 95 30 15 140
ADS 550 E30 4,20 0,78 5,46 193 210 175 175 128 30 15 120


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Breaker core dimensions Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø do
      Ø Da
Ø Di
pcs./ pal.
ADS- 5 E10 0,295 0,610 0,13 1,969 2,244 1,969 € 0,512       1,024 0,394 0,315 4.356
ADS-12 E15 0,335 0,610 0,22 2,362 2,362 1,969 € 0,709       1,378 0,591 0,394 2.904
ADS 16 E15 0,472 1,220 0,35 2,756 3,346 2,598 € 0,709       1,378 0,591 0,394 1.620
ADS 19 E 15 0,374 1,831 0,44 2,362 3,150 2,756 € 0,787       1,378 0,591 0,394 2.520
ADS 20 E15 0,472 1,831 0,40 3,071 3,937 3,346 € 0,709       1,417 0,591 0,394 1.216
ADS 27 E15 0,512 2,441 0,60 3,071 3,937 3,346 € 0,906       1,969 0,591 0,512 1.216
ADS 32 E15 0,512 3,051 0,73 3,071 3,937 3,622 € 0,945       1,969 0,591 0,512 1.216
ADS 61 E18 0,669 5,492 1,35 3,425 4,213 3,819 € 1,260       1,772 0,709 0,591 960
ADS 85 E18 0,748 7,323 1,87 4,094 5,315 4,331 € 1,378       2,087 0,709 0,591 560
ADS 86 E18 0,748 7,323 1,87 3,937 5,315 4,331 € 1,378       2,362 0,709 0,591 560
ADS 111 E20 0,866 9,764 2,45 4,803 4,803 3,937 € 1,575       2,953 0,787 0,591 392
ADS 133 E20 0,984 11,595 2,95 5,512 5,512 4,724 € 1,575       3,346 0,787 0,591 288
ADS 164 E20 0,866 14,646 3,62 4,803 4,803 3,937 € 1,969       2,953 0,787 0,591 392
ADS 193 E30 1,102 17,087 4,26 5,512 5,512 4,921 € 1,890       3,346 1,181 0,591 288
ADS 237 E30 1,260 20,748 5,25 5,709 5,709 4,724 € 2,165       3,346 1,181 0,591 220
ADS 425 E30 1,378 36,004 9,11 5,630 5,906 5,000 € 2,992       3,346 1,181 0,591 168
ADS 540 E30 1,654 45,768 11,58 6,693 8,268 6,890 € 2,756       3,740 1,181 0,591 140
ADS 550 E30 1,654 47,599 12,04 7,598 8,268 6,890 € 6,890       5,039 1,181 0,591 120
Exactcast迷你冒口 水玻璃 发热低氟, 发热无氟 铸铁 适用于潮模砂高压线, 自硬砂线 无机粘接剂, 可供无氟冒口 预定样品
  • Specially made for high-performance molding machines
  • Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during molding and compression
  • Lower fettling costs thanks to reduced riser neck diameter


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Breaker core dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight kg Ø Do mm H
h mm Ø do mm Ø Da mm Ø Di mm hB mm pcs./ pal.
ADS- 5 E10 0,75 0,01 0,06 50 57 50 13 26 10 8 4.356
ADS-12 E15 0,85 0,01 0,10 60 60 50 18 35 15 10 2.904
ADS 16 E15 1,20 0,02 0,16 70 85 66 18 35 15 10 1.620
ADS 19 E 15 0,95 0,03 0,20 60 80 70 20 35 15 10 2.520
ADS 20 E15 1,20 0,03 0,18 78 100 85 18 36 15 10 1.216
ADS 27 E15 1,30 0,04 0,27 78 100 85 23 50 15 13 1.216
ADS 32 E15 1,30 0,05 0,33 78 100 92 24 50 15 13 1.216
ADS 61 E18 1,70 0,09 0,61 87 107 97 32 45 18 15 960
ADS 85 E18 1,90 0,12 0,85 104 135 110 35 53 18 15 560
ADS 86 E18 1,90 0,12 0,85 100 135 110 35 60 18 15 560
ADS 111 E20 2,20 0,16 1,11 122 122 100 40 75 20 15 392
ADS 133 E20 2,50 0,19 1,34 140 140 120 40 85 20 15 288
ADS 164 E20 2,20 0,24 1,64 122 122 100 50 75 20 15 392
ADS 193 E30 2,80 0,28 1,93 140 140 125 48 85 30 15 288
ADS 237 E30 3,20 0,34 2,38 145 145 120 55 85 30 15 220
ADS 425 E30 3,50 0,59 4,13 143 150 127 76 85 30 15 168
ADS 540 E30 4,20 0,75 5,25 170 210 175 70 95 30 15 140
ADS 550 E30 4,20 0,78 5,46 193 210 175 175 128 30 15 120


Dimensions in inch:

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Breaker core dimensions Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø do
      Ø Da
Ø Di
pcs./ pal.
ADS- 5 E10 0,295 0,610 0,13 1,969 2,244 1,969 € 0,512       1,024 0,394 0,315 4.356
ADS-12 E15 0,335 0,610 0,22 2,362 2,362 1,969 € 0,709       1,378 0,591 0,394 2.904
ADS 16 E15 0,472 1,220 0,35 2,756 3,346 2,598 € 0,709       1,378 0,591 0,394 1.620
ADS 19 E 15 0,374 1,831 0,44 2,362 3,150 2,756 € 0,787       1,378 0,591 0,394 2.520
ADS 20 E15 0,472 1,831 0,40 3,071 3,937 3,346 € 0,709       1,417 0,591 0,394 1.216
ADS 27 E15 0,512 2,441 0,60 3,071 3,937 3,346 € 0,906       1,969 0,591 0,512 1.216
ADS 32 E15 0,512 3,051 0,73 3,071 3,937 3,622 € 0,945       1,969 0,591 0,512 1.216
ADS 61 E18 0,669 5,492 1,35 3,425 4,213 3,819 € 1,260       1,772 0,709 0,591 960
ADS 85 E18 0,748 7,323 1,87 4,094 5,315 4,331 € 1,378       2,087 0,709 0,591 560
ADS 86 E18 0,748 7,323 1,87 3,937 5,315 4,331 € 1,378       2,362 0,709 0,591 560
ADS 111 E20 0,866 9,764 2,45 4,803 4,803 3,937 € 1,575       2,953 0,787 0,591 392
ADS 133 E20 0,984 11,595 2,95 5,512 5,512 4,724 € 1,575       3,346 0,787 0,591 288
ADS 164 E20 0,866 14,646 3,62 4,803 4,803 3,937 € 1,969       2,953 0,787 0,591 392
ADS 193 E30 1,102 17,087 4,26 5,512 5,512 4,921 € 1,890       3,346 1,181 0,591 288
ADS 237 E30 1,260 20,748 5,25 5,709 5,709 4,724 € 2,165       3,346 1,181 0,591 220
ADS 425 E30 1,378 36,004 9,11 5,630 5,906 5,000 € 2,992       3,346 1,181 0,591 168
ADS 540 E30 1,654 45,768 11,58 6,693 8,268 6,890 € 2,756       3,740 1,181 0,591 140
ADS 550 E30 1,654 47,599 12,04 7,598 8,268 6,890 € 6,890       5,039 1,181 0,591 120
补贴 补贴 冷芯树脂 发热,低氟, 保温 铸铁, 铸钢, 铸铝, 黄铜, 青铜, 紫铜 适用于潮模砂高压线, 自硬砂线 高全能行的随意造型, 可直接用于铸件表面, 精密设置定向凝固 预定样品
  • Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content.
  • Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression.
  • Extremly lightweight.


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Breaker core dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do mm Ø DB
Ø dB mm hB mm pcs./ pal.
KMV 88 GP 20 1,70 0,088 0,616 84 60 122 97 36 32 56 20 6 34 / 952
KMV 121 GP 20 1,90 0,121 0,847 98 66 128 110 40 35 56 20 6 24 / 672
KMV 159 GP 25 2,20 0,159 1,113 115 82 120 100 50 40 76,5 25 8 18 / 504
KMV 238 GP 40 2,20 0,238 1,666 115 82 120 100 60 50 106,5 40 10 18 / 504
KMV 339 GP 30 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 98 30 10 18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 40 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 106,5 40 10 18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 50 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 132 50 10 18 / 432
KMV 590 GP 40 3,80 0,590 4,130 142 110 150 125 80 75 106,5 40 10 10 / 240
KMV 590 GP 50 3,80 0,590 4,130 142 110 150 125 80 75 132 50 10 10 / 240
KMV 780 GP 30 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 98 30 10 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 40 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 106,5 40 10 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 50 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 132 50 10 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 60 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 159,5 60 12 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 70 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 187 70 13 8 / 160










Dimensions in inch:


Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions   Breaker core dimensions   Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø do
Ø du
        Ø DB
Ø dB
  pcs./ pal.
KMV 88 GP 20 0,669 5,370 1,36 3,307 2,362 4,803 3,819 1,260 1,417         2,205 0,787 0,236   34 / 952
KMV 121 GP 20 0,748 7,384 1,87 3,858 2,598 5,039 4,331 1,378 1,575         2,205 0,787 0,236   24 / 672
KMV 159 GP 25 0,866 9,703 2,45 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 1,575 1,969         3,012 0,984 0,315   18 / 504
KMV 238 GP 40 0,866 14,524 3,67 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 1,969 2,362         4,193 1,575 0,394   18 / 504
KMV 339 GP 30 1,102 20,687 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,165 2,677         3,858 1,181 0,394   18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 40 1,102 20,687 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,165 2,677         4,193 1,575 0,394   18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 50 1,102 20,687 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,165 2,677         5,197 1,969 0,394   18 / 432
KMV 590 GP 40 1,496 36,004 9,11 5,591 4,331 5,906 4,921 2,953 3,150         4,193 1,575 0,394   10 / 240
KMV 590 GP 50 1,496 36,004 9,11 5,591 4,331 5,906 4,921 2,953 3,150         5,197 1,969 0,394   10 / 240
KMV 780 GP 30 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150         3,858 1,181 0,394   8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 40 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150         4,193 1,575 0,394   8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 50 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150         5,197 1,969 0,394   8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 60 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150         6,280 2,362 0,472   8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 70 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150         7,362 2,756 0,512   8 / 160


Exactcast迷你冒口 冷芯树脂 发热低氟, 发热无氟, 保温冒口 铸铁, 铸钢, 铸铝, 黄铜, 青铜, 紫铜 适用于潮模砂高压线, 自硬砂线 重量轻, 提高工艺出品率, 可提供无氟配方冒口 预定样品
  • Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content.
  • Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression.
  • Extremly lightweight.


Dimensions in inch can be found below.

Type Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions Breaker core dimensions Packaging
  exoth. cm Volume dm³ Weight  kg Ø Do mm Ø Du mm H
h mm Ø du mm Ø do mm Ø DB
Ø dB mm hB mm pcs./ pal.
KMV 88 GP 20 1,70 0,088 0,616 84 60 122 97 36 32 56 20 6 34 / 952
KMV 121 GP 20 1,90 0,121 0,847 98 66 128 110 40 35 56 20 6 24 / 672
KMV 159 GP 25 2,20 0,159 1,113 115 82 120 100 50 40 76,5 25 8 18 / 504
KMV 238 GP 40 2,20 0,238 1,666 115 82 120 100 60 50 106,5 40 10 18 / 504
KMV 339 GP 30 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 98 30 10 18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 40 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 106,5 40 10 18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 50 2,80 0,339 2,373 120 98 145 120 68 55 132 50 10 18 / 432
KMV 590 GP 40 3,80 0,590 4,130 142 110 150 125 80 75 106,5 40 10 10 / 240
KMV 590 GP 50 3,80 0,590 4,130 142 110 150 125 80 75 132 50 10 10 / 240
KMV 780 GP 30 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 98 30 10 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 40 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 106,5 40 10 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 50 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 132 50 10 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 60 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 159,5 60 12 8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 70 4,20 0,780 5,460 170 128 205 165 80 75 187 70 13 8 / 160










Dimensions in inch:


Module Riser capacity Riser dimensions   Breaker core dimensions   Packaging
  exoth. In  Volume
Weight lbs Ø Do
Ø Du
Ø do
Ø du
        Ø DB
Ø dB
  pcs./ pal.
KMV 88 GP 20 0,669 5,370 1,36 3,307 2,362 4,803 3,819 1,260 1,417         2,205 0,787 0,236   34 / 952
KMV 121 GP 20 0,748 7,384 1,87 3,858 2,598 5,039 4,331 1,378 1,575         2,205 0,787 0,236   24 / 672
KMV 159 GP 25 0,866 9,703 2,45 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 1,575 1,969         3,012 0,984 0,315   18 / 504
KMV 238 GP 40 0,866 14,524 3,67 4,528 3,228 4,724 3,937 1,969 2,362         4,193 1,575 0,394   18 / 504
KMV 339 GP 30 1,102 20,687 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,165 2,677         3,858 1,181 0,394   18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 40 1,102 20,687 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,165 2,677         4,193 1,575 0,394   18 / 432
KMV 339 GP 50 1,102 20,687 5,23 4,724 3,858 5,709 4,724 2,165 2,677         5,197 1,969 0,394   18 / 432
KMV 590 GP 40 1,496 36,004 9,11 5,591 4,331 5,906 4,921 2,953 3,150         4,193 1,575 0,394   10 / 240
KMV 590 GP 50 1,496 36,004 9,11 5,591 4,331 5,906 4,921 2,953 3,150         5,197 1,969 0,394   10 / 240
KMV 780 GP 30 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150         3,858 1,181 0,394   8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 40 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150         4,193 1,575 0,394   8 / 160
KMV 780 GP 50 1,654 47,599 12,04 6,693 5,039 8,071 6,496 2,953 3,150