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ISOCURE binders are the industry standard for high production foundries producing sand cores and precision sand molds. This product family can be used to make all types of cores with both highly automated production equipment and manual operations. The broad range of products can be used in highly specialised casting processes or for more standard types of applications. The use of ISOCURE binders can be matched to a foundry whose need is to produce high quality, superior cores and molds.
ECOCURE phenolic urethane binders focus on providing foundries with the high-end environmental performance without sacrificing the speed and strength of the ISOCURE family of products. This is accomplished by not only adjusting the solvents and additives in the binder, but also changing the chemistry backbone to produce products with less environmental impact.
ECOCURE HE binder systems set new standards in ecology and economy. They have a lower binder requirement without compromising the usual efficiency. As a result, several factors such as catalyst consumption, odor, emissions, core box cleanliness, and gas formation can be positively influenced.
* Tailored product recommendations available upon request.
The ECOCURE BLUE platform technology is the world's first technology that has a Cold Box part 1 that is not classified as a hazardous material and thus helps to considerably reduce phenol emissions in the process. First tests also have shown a reduction of the phenol content in used sand. This leads to a positive effect with regard to disposal costs. Ecology and economy are not mutual exclusive, which is perfectly shown by ASK Chemicals ECOCURE BLUE HE Systems that are in no way inferior to the currently available best Cold Box binders on the market when looking at the reactivity, strength and casting results.
** According to the CLP regulation
ISOSET binders were developed to solve a key problem faced by foundries; the benchlife of mixed sand. As the sand binder mixture ages, in most binder systems it begins to advance, and at a certain point will no longer be usable to produce quality cores and molds. This is especially costly when there is machine down time. In most cases this sand binder mix must be discarded to avoid quality problems. ISOSET technology solves this problem. The binder can be mixed into the sand and left indefinitely. It will not cure until it comes in contact with the sulphur dioxide catalyst.
ISOMAX binders are a hybrid epoxy phenolic resin designed to produce repeatable cores at extremely fast cycle times. The dimensional stability of these cores is not surpassed by any current system. The nonferrous version also exhibits the fastest shakeout times currently seen. Coupled with the extended benchlife of these products, ISOMAX makes for a unique technology that is capable of making worldclass castings at a low cost to produce.
NOVANOL is a water-based, alkaline phenolic binder with excellent heat resistance that has been specially developed for steel applications, although this binder is equally suited to iron and non-ferrous applications. NOVANOL is an alternative to BETASET if CO2 is to be used instead of methyl formate. The application of NOVANOL is recommended for all types of castings. Since they are water-based binding systems, this binder is a good solution for foundries that are seeking to improve their environmental performance.
BETASET are water-based, alkaline phenolic binders with excellent heat resistance that have been specially developed for steel casting application, although they are equally suited for iron and nonferrous casting.